[Bold Beauty]…Liu Wen for Vogue Germany

I’m digging this editorial featuring Liu Wen for Vogue Germany…it was shot by Greg Kadel.

Simply Stunning. Bothe the makeup and looks are just awesome!

Trio…Pop Culture Tees

I’ve posted before about my favorite typography tees and about my favorite tees for artsy folk. Today, I thought I’d resurrect my “Trio” series with a compilation of 3 tees regarding 3 of my favorite pop culture subjects – MJ, Super Mario, & Star Trek.

Michael Jackson Inspired Tees

Star Trek Tees

Super Mario Tees

"Magic Mushrooms"...this is hilarious!

Unfortunately, a lot of these are sold out…but it’s still cool to see what was once a really neat design!

After compiling this list, I realized that the world of graphic tees is far too large for me to just narrow this down to three subjects…lookout for 1 or 2 more lists like this!

[Abstract Colors]…Paintings by Charlie Edmiston

Charlie Edmiston‘s abstract paintings are the stuff my art dreams are made of…

Yes, yes, yes…these I love. They’re bold and graphic. Plus I like how words are sort of hidden amongst all the lines and colors. Great work!

Friday Flash…

Sightseeing for Techies! 14 places you must see in Silicon Valley.

Eek! Would you like to see what a flea looks like up close & personal??

Here’s a fun site for good diversion when you’re doing stuff you don’t really wanna be doing – The Presurfer.

20 Untranslatable words (Rosetta Stone won’t help you here!)

Damn You Auto Correct! (I knew I wasn’t the only one who hated the iPhone auto-correct!)

Do you love Daft Punk? If so, have you seen Interstella 5555? (thank me later :))

Take a look inside the world’s largest private jet…complete with a garage!


Check out this slow motion photo of a popped water balloon by Edward Horsford. Neat!

Really neat nails by Princess Gard - a nail tech in Ohio - they're fish!

Love this photo I found on Flickr...

Pixelated Sunglasses by Dzmitry Samal...Love.

Sandra Backlund S/S 2011 - this woman's creations are mindblowing everytime I see them!

Have an awesome weekend!

[Ring Around the World]…Rings by Philippe Tournaire

These right here have me speechless…

Those AMAZING architectural rings you see above are by renown jeweler Philippe Tournaire. The collection of rings is inspired by architecture from around the world so that’s why you can see a pagoda from China, skyscrapers from New York, and a Venetian house from Venice. The rings are made of precious metals and have diamonds or other gemstones imbedded in them. They are quite pricey – (3,000 euros…I’m assuming that is basically ‘I’m unaffordable’ in US dollars), but I LOVE them. They’re like the perfect piece of statement jewelry because they are bold and really interesting. I would collect one from every city/country I’ve ever visited. Perhaps one day, I’ll be able to 🙂

[History In Color]…

I found a catalogue of gorgeous photos from the Russian country side…and keep in mind when you take a look at these that things aren’t always what they seem…

Very pretty aren’t they? And so vibrant…as if they were taken yesterday. And that, my dears, is why I say that things aren’t always what they seem…because these photos were taken by Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (photographer to the Tsar of Russia) in THE EARLY 1900’s.

Yes…you read that correctly. These are full color, vibrant photographs from over a century ago. Around a time when color photography was still a bit underdeveloped (haha, check that pun!! :D) In my spare time I like to browse the online archives of The Library of Congress because I always seem to find neat things from history – like this compilation of Gorskii’s photographs.

Gorskii's Self Portrait

These images were taken between the years of 1909-1912 when Gorskii was commissioned to take a survey of life in the Russian Empire by Tsar Nicholas II. The way Gorskii was able to get these color photographs was by taking 3 photos of a subject using 3 different color filters (red, green, & blue). He would combine the shots to get the gorgeous photos you see above.

I find this fascinating. I love looking at old photographs and I’d even like to start collection them one day (especially ones of landscapes or women of a certain era). The fact that these photos are so crisp is amazing! Plus it’s really neat to see people form a century ago just living their lives. Very, very awesome!

[Pixelated]…Furniture by Cristian Zuzunaga

My dream home will one day own something from the Pixel Collection by Cristian Zuzunaga

Now, friends, family, & my lovely long time followers KNOW that this is right up my alley! Color…shapes…COLOR!!! Yes. Loves this. Especially that arm chair! Be sure to check out Zuzunaga’s site for  more….he’s got a great aesthetic!

Loving…Candystore Collective

Candystore Collective is a great boutique I stumbled across and I’m loving their collection of looks because many of them really utilize pattern (which I love!). Plus Candystore Collective is sort of a hub for upcoming designers to show their work and actually have someone buy it! Here are some of my favorites…

There like a print for any taste! Candystore Collective also sells menswear and accessories. I’m really loving their dresses though. The designers whom they’ve chosen really have some great stuff!

[Natural Wonders]…Vintage U.S. Travel Posters

The posters above are some 1930’s vintage travel posters by the US Department of the Interior and The National Park Service. They were created to sort of boost tourism during The Great Depression. The colors in these are just so nice! I also love how they convey the wonder and majesty of some of the natural landmarks that we have here in the US. The one of the caves is my favorite! If I saw these back in the 30’s, it would definitely make me want to go on a trip in a heartbeat! Check out the rest over at National Geographic.

[The Mind Blowing Color Competition]…

I follow Behance on twitter so my day is usually filled with great tweets that’ll lead me to some sort of awesome artist portfolio. Today was no different, but much anticipated because the winners of the Mind Blowing Color Competition were announced.

This competition was sponsored by Pantone Plus, so you know the entries were like a color overload! There was a pretty hefty prize in the wings which included a stay at the Pantone Hotel in Brussels, a set of 6 Pantone mugs, various Pantone books and swatches, and many other cool, inspiring Pantone products. The winner was an installation by SOFTlab of NYC, but my favorites were these entries by Nielly Francoise (entitled Portraits) and Rodrigo Mendes (entitled Colour Poetry)


Colour Poetry


Aren’t those just awesome? I really would love to own a painting by Nielly Francoise one day – it is so totally me. The images for Colour Poetry are also depicted as graphic tee designs so be sure to check out the full set over on Behance. Better yet, you should take a look at all the entries – there’s some awesome stuff to be seen!