Category Archives: Just Because…

[Vintage Food…Gone Bad]

Christmas is almost here and like Thanksgiving, Christmas day is filled with delicious foods and dishes that are almost as awesome as the presents themselves. But what if the food wasn’t so delicious? What if you just so happened to time travel back to the 50’s where gelatin ruled the kitchen and anything could come as a loaf. If that were possible, then you’d be feasting on these…interesting…vintage food dishes…

Aren’t those just hideous!? I have no idea why every dish seems to have been forced into a mold of some sort…and who on earth would ever eat a Lima Bean casserole?? Ick! This is still really interesting to me though…I want to get a hold of a vintage cookbook to see what other deathly concoctions were dreamt up. If you can stomach it, you can see more over at the “Gee That Food Looks Terrible (Vintage)” flickr pool.

Just Because…Ferarri 612 GTO Concept Art

…More car eye candy…you guys know muscle cars and sleek sports cars are my weaknesses. So here’s some nice concept images by Sasha Selipanov of a  Ferarri 612 GTO…Just Because!

Oh my…

Just Because…Jim’s Pancakes

So pancakes are my favorite breakfast food…so you can imagine my awe (and stomach growling) when I came across this neat idea/website by this cool dad named – wall named Jim! He makes them for fun and for his adorable 3 year old daughter. The thing is though, these are no ordinary pancakes. They’re colorful and actually some are downright feats of pancake gravity…anyway, here are my favorites…Just Because!

Isn’t that neat!? I would totally love to have my dad make pancakes like this!

All That Glitters…

An homage to one of the best craft, design, make-up, and fashion tools ever made…

Just Because…Shoebox Apple Store

I lovev diorama’s. I love Apple products. So I love this Apple Shoebox Store…Just Because!

Just Because…”Thriller” Hands!

Being a purveyor of all thing Michael Jackson, I just had to share this video of this really talented display of “hand dancing” – to Thriller!….Just Because.

I’m not sure what country this talent hails from, but I’m thinking it sort of gives those prisoners in the Philippines a run for their money, Haha!

Just Because…Pantone Cosmetics Concept Designs

I came across these neat concept designs by Renata Viega for Pantone (should they ever produced cosmetics)…Just Because!

I actually would buy this. Imagine all the colors Pantone has in every eyeshadow you could imagine! I think it would sell…what do you think?

Just Because…Fantastic Foodies

I love when people take food and turn it into something totally fun and quirky…so I thought I’d share these images I found. The first is the Death Star made out of a watermelon and the second is a series of images of Lady Gaga cookies (you’ll just have to see them to get it)…Just Because!

Death Star Watermelon

Lady Gaga Cookies (via Ohnotheydidnt)

Someone clearly had A LOT of time on their hands…neat ideas though!

Just Because…Come to The Dark Side Apron

I thought this apron by Thinkgeek was funny…so here’s the Darth Vader “Come to the Dark Side Apron”…Just Because.

Just Because…”Nightmare on Elm Street” Trailer

Freddy’s back! And with a not so scary face…and a vampire from Twilight…and not as much excitement from me. Here’s the trailer…Just Because.

I’m not too sure I like this revamp…some things should be left alone maybe? What do you guys think?